
Website editor

Régie Personnalisée de l'Aéroport Brive Vallée de la Dordogne


Phone: 00 33 (0)5 55 22 40 00


Publication Manager: Dany BLANCHET


Production house

Artefact - 3 Rue des Frères Goncourt - 19100 Brive - Phone: 05 55 17 29 29


Registration adress 

Artefact - 3 Rue des Frères Goncourt - 19100 Brive - Phone: 05 55 17 29 29


Conditions for use of site

The user of the internet site acknowledges that he has examined the conditions of use and accepted them without reservation. The International Brive Dordogne Valley airport reserves the right to modify at any moment and without notice the present conditions of use, so as to adapt them to the evolution of the site and/or its operation.


Access to the site

The user of the internet site acknowledges that he has examined the conditions of use and accepted them without reservation. The International Brive Dordogne Valley airport reserves the right to modify at any moment and without notice the present conditions of use, so as to adapt them to the evolution of the site and/or its operation.


Site contents

The International Brive Dordogne Valley airport makes available on its web site information and services which have been verified. However, it will not be held responsible for errors or unavailability of certain information. We would be grateful if site users would notify us of any omissions, errors or corrections, by sending an email to


Intellectual Property Rights

The general layout and organization, as well as all software, texts, still or moving images, sounds, expertise, drawings, graphics and all other elements making up the web site are for the exclusive use of the International Brive Dordogne Valley Airport. Any total or partial reproduction of this site, by whatever methods and without express authorization from the International Brive Dordogne Valley Airport is forbidden and will constitute a counterfeit sanctioned by articles L335-2 and those following of the Code for Intellectual Copyright. The International Brive Dordogne Valley airport will not be held responsible for the content of hypertext links towards other resources present on the internet network to which the present web site directs its users. Users and visitors to the site may not set up a hyperlink to this site without the prior and express authorization of the International Brive Dordogne Valley Airport. Any request to set up a link must be addressed by email to


Regulating law

The use of this web site is governed exclusively by French law.


Protecting your personal data

Brive Airport is committed to complying with the regulations for the protection of private life and personal data. All processing of personal data as part of website operations is carried out in accordance with the terms of the French "loi informatique et libertés" [Data Protection Act], amended on 06 January 1978. No personal data are collected without your knowledge.
In the same respect, site users are required to comply with the terms of the French Law 78-17, amended on 06 January 1978, relating to information technology and data protection, any violation of which law may lead to prosecution. In particular, users should refrain from the gathering or misuse of any information, and more generally, from any activity that may compromise the privacy or reputation of any persons".

Personal data collected by Brive Airport are used internally by the airport, by those departments involved in providing the services, in full or in part. Data will never be communicated, transferred or disclosed to a third party without the direct written consent of the user concerned, unless under legal or judicial obligation.

Should you require information regarding data, please contact the French National Commission for IT and Civil Liberties (CNIL).



Brive Airport offers the possibility to sign up for its free online newsletter on the website, which provides information on Brive Airport news and promotions.
In accordance with current laws and regulations, a subscriber who no longer wishes to receive the newsletter may unsubscribe when he wants.



We want to install a cookie on your computer. A “cookie” does not allow us to identify you, but records information relating to your computer’s navigation around our website (which pages you have visited, the date and time of access etc.) and we may use this information when you next visit. This information is stored on your computer for 1 year.
You can prevent the installation of “cookies” by configuring your browser as follows:


  • For Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 and more:

Select the “Tools” menu, then “Internet Options”. Click the “Security” tab. Select “Internet” then “CustomLevel”. Locate the “cookies” section and choose the option to suit you.


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Choose the “Customize and Control Google Chrome” menu, then “Options”. Click the “Advanced options” tab then the “Content settings” button. Select “Cookies” and configure the installation of cookies.


  • For Firefox:

Choose the “Tools” menu, then “Options”. Click the “Privacy” tab then from the drop-down menu select: “Use custom settings for history”. Locate the “cookies” section and choose the option to suit you.


  • For Safari:

Choose the “Safari” menu, then “Preferences”. Click the “Security” tab. Locate the “Accept cookies” section and choose the option to suit you.



Photos Credit

Michel Blot, Dan Courtice, Office de Tourisme Brive, Office de Tourisme Sarlat, Office de Tourisme Vallée de la Dordogne, Office de Tourisme Terrasson, ADT 19 et 46, Shutterstock,, Only Lyon, Office de Tourisme de Paris, 123 RF, Fitour